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TolleUhr Version 1.12 Authors: Matthias Fleischer 1993
Gunther Nikl 1994
Note: There is a problem I cannot figure out myself. When a new minute
has to be drawn the system seems to 'hang' for a moment. This
happens with the C and assembler version. Who can help?
What's new this time?
There was a bug in saveprefs() of the C version, that created additional blank
lines in the icon every time the current clock state was saved. This has been
fixed by rewriting the function. The 'Close Gadget' option has been added to the
C version of the clock. Additional code cleanups made the program even smaller.
The assembler version offers no new features and no bug had to be fixed. Maybe
there is none :-) Some (minor) improvements were made. The program now saves the
states of currently not used values (eg. for border: hires and lace if border is
off). This is a *difference* to the C version! If the screenmode for the used
publicscreen is changed to a mode with a smaller width, TolleUhr now lets the
system deal with that case (WA_AutoAdjust). Unless you are out of memory, TolleUhr
will be able to open its window again. Several other code changes squeezed the
program size further.
Technical stuff: The C program should compile with every C compiler with a small
change only (a define for the WbMsg). But note: the compiler must
offer auto-opening of system libraries _before_ it calls _main!
For gcc I recommend to get the proto-includes distributed with
gcc 2.6.1 and up. Two versions are available: a plain one and an
optimized one for 68020+ based systems.
The assembler version now comes also in two flavors like the C
version. Its my first try with 68020+ instructions and I am not
sure its worth the efforts. Anyway there is version for 'bigger'
processors. The source for that version is supplied as a diff-file
(means you need the 'patch' program, that's available eg. with gcc)
You will need an assembler capable of handling 68020 instructions.
I tested PhxAss (v3.71) and SNMA (v1.95) and both were able to
create an executable. A68k (v2.71) is sufficient to create the
plain version.
Have fun!
I looked for a nice clock to use with the workbench. Then there came TolleUhr
and it was really a 'great' clock (at least for me)! But one thing I didn´t
like were these ugly menus with Kickstart 3.0. The original author placed
this program in the public domain so here is a slightly changed version,
nothing fundamental though.
Furthermore you can find an assembler version of 'TolleUhr'. That version is
localized (currently only german ;), has newlookmenus and is pure, so you can
make it resident. The main difference is the fact that all windows are controlled
in the main loop. That means the second hand moves even if you display the about
requester, change a colour or set the alarm time. All windows will be discarded
if you close the main window.
One menu option has been added: 'Close Gadget'. When I played with the original
program I often closed the clock trying to move the window on the screen. With
this menu entry you can enable/disable the close gadget.
Old configurations (stored in the programs icon) can be used with the assembler
version of the clock too. The other way requires some editing in the tooltypes.
The assembler version saves PATTERN and DRAWPENS with a leading '0x' instead of
only a 'x'. Remove the zero before the x and it works or simply delete the
offending line from the icons tooltypes. That results in the default values for
these entries.
The compiled programs can be found in the 'bin' drawer. Enjoy!
email: gnikl@informatik.uni-rostock.de
Below is the original ReadMe that came with the program:
This is yet another Workbench-Clock-Utility ???!!?! :-(
OK, but this one looks really nice ;-) (try it out - if you don't like it -
throw it away (or let it still stay on harddisk: only 20K anyway))
The functionality in short:
-Nice outfit
-CLI & Workbench support
-optional second hand
-custom background-pattern
-and more
TOP - Number of Pixels in top of the window
LEFT - Number of Pixels left of the window
WIDTH - Width of the window in pixels
HEIGHT - Height of the window in pixels
SECONDS - 1: seconds on 0: seconds off
PATTERN - 0000-3333
OVAL - 1: oval face 0: rectangle
SHADOW - 1: shadow on 0: shadow off
SHOWFACE - 0: show minute marks 4: show no marks at all
HANDTYPE - 0: line 1: triangle 2: rhombus 2: rectangle
HANDWIDTH - 0: very thin 4: very thick
DRAWPENS - 00000000000000-33333333333333
BORDERTYPE- 0 no border 5 full border
CHIME - 0 no chime 4 full functioning chime
PUBSCREEN - Name of public screen
TASKPRI - Priority of the clock-task (_should_ be between -5 and 5)
The background-pattern:
It is set by a decimal number of 4 digits (abcd) and gives a background-
pattern that looks like this:
abababababab For example: 0110 gives dark grey
cdcdcdcdcdcd 0220 gives light grey
abababababab 0123 looks a bit like jeans-style
numbers greater than nine are set as: xaabbccdd (hex)
The drawpens:
a color for second hand
b color for minute hand
c color for minute hand outline
d color for hour hand
e color for hour hand outline
f color for shadow
g color for 12'o clock mark
h color for quarters
i color for hour marks
j color for minute marks
k border color 0
l border color 1
m border color 2
n border color 3
You also can use xaabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnn.
-all the same.
You can set anything but pubscreens and taskpriority from menus and save it to
the tooltypes field with the `Save prefs' menu.
There's also an alarm-function from menus.
There is a invisible close-gadget in the upper left corner of the window,
a (also invisible) depth-gadget in the upper right, a sizing-gadget in the
lower right corner and a drag-gadget in the middle of the window.
The legal stuff:
If you use this program, you use it at your own risk - there is absolutely
no warranty for any damage forced by this program (and by no means for wild
attacks of envious non-amiga-users).
This program is public-domain, that means you can copy, modify or use it as
long as you wish and you needn't pay anything.
But: It must be absolutely clear at any time if and by what person this
program was modified - there must be a FULL list of ALL the authors
who made ANYTHING about this program at least in the source code
and also in any about-requesters.
(I don't want to be blamed of any errors somebody else made than me.)
That was all - for bug reports please write to me:
Matthias Fleischer
Adlerstraße 30
73760 Ostfildern 2
Phone: 0711/3430286
email: fleischr@izfm.uni-stuttgart.de
and don't ask me for any enhancements - I won't do them anyway.
PS: Please excuse my poor english - I'm not trained very good in that.